Sunday, September 10, 2006

5 Years


Anonymous said...

Such a sad moment today. I remember being at work at the Indlps Jewish Community Center. We were put on lock down. no one in or out. It was horrible to watch on the news as the another plane went in the second building.I called my sons school,Im not sure why.Maybe just to make sure the phones went to an outside line. even today I cry at the thought of what all those people went through.Thank You John for remembering.

Anonymous said...

I'm an American with lots of family, friends and ties to NYC. On 9/11 I was in Montreal surrounded by Canadians, Europeans, Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans, South Asians, and although I desperately wanted to be home, there was a lot of support for Americans. It might not have lasted much longer than the lead up to the Iraq War, but still, I always try to explain that to Americans back home who accuse the rest of the world of being resolutely anti-American.

Anonymous said...

People are relating their 9/11 experiences on Jewish Connection- and how they relate to the war going on in Iraq.

For me, of course I was mad like everyone else and I still am. But I do not think the war in Iraq was jusitified. More Iraquis have died than those on 9/11 and we are no closer to a solution.

Anonymous said...

People are relating their 9/11 experiences on Jewish Connection- and how they relate to the war going on in Iraq.

For me, of course I was mad like everyone else and I still am. But I do not think the war in Iraq was jusitified. More Iraquis have died than those on 9/11 and we are no closer to a solution.

Anonymous said...

I don't like anonymous's claim that the casualty difference is why the iraq war was not justified by 9/11. It suggests that iraq was responsible for 9/11.

Iraq was not tied to 9/11, and so 9/11 is in no way a justification for its invasion, no matter how many or how few casualties.

Its not a question of the magnitude of the response, but the direction. The question is not how many people are killed, but who is being killed.

I'm not trying to claim that there was or wasn't justification for the invasion, but if there was, it wasn't 9/11. There are many bad things which iraq did do, which may or may not constitute justification.

Amos said...

Hey Redel! Thanks for reading. I agree 100%. It's shocking how many Americans believe in the 9/11-Iraq connection. Almost as shocking as the conspiracy theories blaming it on the US government (or the Mossad).

Anonymous said...

The 9/11 Iraq connection is party line for the Republicans, no? A majority of Republicans still believe that there was a connection (although this number is falling)

People believe what they want, and distrust what they want. Just think about how quickly any of us are to dismiss the stories told by certain voices. I certainly do it a lot.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought this day was for remembering.HHHHmmmm. Guess not.Just another reason to argue.