Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Kishkushim in the Press

Amos's post on the murder of Hrant Dink was quoted on a blog round-up by Christopher Beam at slate.com on January 23, 2007.

Recently, Kishkushim received Blog Digest #1: The Hezbollah War", a pamphlet published by the New Pamphleteer, co-sponsored by Pajamas Media, and edited by Michael J. Totten. Part of a three-part series, the pamphlet in question is a compilation of Israeli and Lebanese blog posts published during the war. It includes Carmia's "Good Morning, Haifa" post.

In a December 21 retrospective on 2006 ("The web we loved"), the Times Online Newsdesk Blog singled out Kishkushim for its accounts of the Israeli experience of the July war:

As soon as Israel’s war against Hezbollah in Lebanon began on July 12, it was clear that the conflict was going to be imprinted on the internet like no other. Citizens under bombardment on both sides posted photographs and wrote of their experiences. We described the phenomenon at the time and found ourselves addicted to Kishkushim ...

An August 10 article in the Boston Globe cited Carmia and Amos.

On August 4, Kishkushim was cited (in German translation) on the Swiss web portal espace, and in the Daily Mail.

On August 1, Carmia joined a blog on BBC Arabic that includes two Lebanese and one other Israeli (Lisa Goldman, author of the superb Tel Aviv-based Ontheface blog). The blog, initiated by Egyptian BBC journalist Mustafa Menshawy, is a laudable attempt to bring more nuanced pictures of the conflict to Arab audiences. The participants post on a daily basis and their contributions are then translated into Arabic.

On July 25, around 4:00 PM EST, the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) interviewed Carmia live.

On July 23, around 7:40 PM EST, CNN quoted from one of Carmia's blog entries.

On July 20, around 5:30 PM Israel time, Kishkushim was mentioned and displayed in a CNN report on blogs about the ongoing conflict in the CNN program "American Morning". The following is an excerpt from the show's transcript:
To contrast that, we found a blogger in Israel. This is a woman there who actually posted a photo of herself in the hallway as well, as she turned to her laptop in order to try and post while she was under fire there.

She says on this Kishkushim blog -- she says, "My boyfriend is getting nervous because the rockets have started falling in his town and also in the town he works in, and is seriously considering leaving the north for the time being. I, however, don't want to leave my home. We were having this discussion when the sirens went off, again, so we quickly hung up the phone so he could get into safety. I grabbed the laptop and retreated to the hallway, as usual." That from someone who goes by the name Karmia (ph) on the Kishkushem, and you saw the photo of her there in the hallway. So, Miles, some amazing stuff when you're talking about video and blogs. Again, we have to tell people, just be careful, cyber-beware in terms of what you're seeing online.

The Wall Street Journal Online quoted a post by Carmia in a July 20 article.

Canada's CBC News Online mentioned Kishkushim in a feature on blogs from Israel and Lebanon on July 20.

On July 19, Kishkushim was cited in Newsweek MSNBC.com

The Age specifically mentioned and cited Carmia's live updates from Haifa in an article published on July 18:
At the Kishkushim blog - an online forum dedicated to commentary on the Middle East, compiled by university students - Carmia writes from the heart about the Hezbollah attacks in the Israeli city of Haifa:

"Okay, I am feeling the apartment trembling. It trembled about four times in the last few minutes with the accompanying low, rumbling noise. I thought I might be getting paranoid, but my room-mate heard it, too - he thinks it might be a plane. But I've been hearing planes fly over our heads all day long and didn't feel the apartment shake. Anyways, the news aren't updating us about it so who knows.

I don't believe we are still awake; it's already past 1:30am. I must definitely go and brush my teeth now and head to bed! Hoping for a quiet night with no sirens. (The shaking continues as I write!)."

The TimesOnline writes

In Haifa, Israel's third largest city and the object of rocket attacks this morning, the excellent Kishkushim provides photos of quiet streets, nervous bus drivers and describes hot and thirsty dogs, abandoned by their fleeing owners and afraid of the explosions:

"The fate of Haifa's dogs also tells us something about their owners and the situation in which they have found themselves. As we were walking around our neighborhood, after a few hours of quiet, we noticed a number of ownerless dogs looking for their homes."

CNN Online links to Kishkushim in a feature on blogs during the war:
Bloggers in Haifa describe these sirens as they huddle in hallways and hide out in bunkers.

The German Frankfurter Rundschau Online has coverage of the Lebanese and Israeli blogosphere and has excerpts from two of Carmia's blog entries translated into German:
Haifa, Donnerstag, 13. Juli: "Die Informationen, die wir bekommen, sind eher verwirrend: ,Bleiben Sie zuhause, gehen Sie nicht hinaus'; andererseits hören wir von Anweisungen, die Bunker in der Nachbarschaft aufzusuchen. Das Einkaufszentrum, in dem ich arbeite, wurde einige Zeit nach dem Raketeneinschlag vorzeitig geschlossen. Alle Cafés und Restaurants, in denen am Abend normalerweise reger Betrieb herrscht, sind ebenfalls dunkel und leer." Carmia
Haifa, Montag, 17. Juli: "Die Sirenen heulten wieder und wir rannten in den Flur. Es ist der einzige Ort in unserer Wohnung, der keine Wände, Fenster oder Türen nach außen hat. Wir hörten vier Raketenangriffe, zwei davon sehr nahe. Ich konnte nicht anders, ich brach in Tränen aus. Wenigstens waren die Sirenen diesmal vor den Bomben zu hören, so dass wir Zeit hatten, uns an einen sichereren Platz im Haus zurückzuziehen. Das einzige Geräusch, das ich jetzt höre, ist das der Krankenwagen." Carmia
On June 14, and on July 17, 2006 Rabbi Eliyahu Stern referred to Kishkushim in one of his Virtual Talmud blogs on Beliefnet.

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