Friday, August 25, 2006

What Israel Doesn't Need

Aron U. Raskas, claiming to speak for American Jewry, has prepared a disastrous recipe for Israel. It all sounds rather innocuous:
The Israeli people must establish leadership with the fortitude and will to stand up for their principles and to lead those who look to them for guidance. They must preserve Israel's strengths and unabashedly pursue its historic rights.
But the "principles" that Raskas wants Israel to defend include retaining control over the West Bank...forever! Not a word about what this actually entails for most of the people living there. But I guess those of us who advocate a withdrawal from the West Bank, similar to the one carried out from Gaza, do not really count. At least Raskas claims that
Since June 1967, there has been rigorous debate about the wisdom of retaining the territories that came into Israel's hands in the Six-Day War. Yet, almost no individual with a whit of appreciation for Jewish history would deny the essential right of the Jewish people to return and repopulate these territories that already millennia ago served as the cradle of the Jewish people.
To argue that his lunatic vision represents the aspirations of American Jews is an unbelievable lie. It is also incredibly out of touch with the reality on the ground in Israel and the West Bank.


Anonymous said...

I tend to agree, I think the west bank needs to be returned to the Palestinians to control as they wish, HOWEVER since Hamas is in power, I also support two things, build the wall high and well armed to prevent any Palestinians from commitiing homicide attacks, and the secod thing is for the west to cut ALL financial support for Palestine.

1. they get the land they want, end occupation
2. adequate protection be inplace to prevent Hamas from fulfilling their dream of eradicatiing ISrael.

I agree with you. Keep Israel out of Palkestine, however ISrael is it is not going away

but the west should not support ANY group that openlhy advocates the eradication of a country.

John said...

What is the reality on the ground that makes retaining control over the West Bank such a bad idea?